Learning guide

Our team of learning guides is the heart of lila.school. We accompany the stu­dents in open learning and support them per­sonally as mentors. Our duties also include super­vision during breaks and self-study times. Once a week we meet for a teacher’s con­ference. We are orga­nized as a team in an agile manner and take the deci­sions together that determine the further devel­opment of lila.school. In addition, each of us takes over a part of the orga­ni­za­tional and other tasks around the school oper­ation. It is very important for us to har­monize as a team. By this we do not mean that there are no con­flicts among us, but that we are capable of solving them together. If you want to become part of our team, we will first get to know each other and then decide together if we are a good match.

In any case, we want you to have enthu­siasm that you are willing to share in order to accompany others in their devel­opment. We want you to be mindful of yourself, the people around you and your envi­ronment, and of course share our fun­da­mental ori­en­tation. Being inde­pendent and able to work in a team are important to us. A ped­a­gogical edu­cation is not a requirement for us, but you should have a lot of expe­rience in dealing with young people.

As a learning guide at lila.school, you can con­tribute as a whole being and not just fulfill a role. Here you will find the freedom tode­velop and the oppor­tu­nities to really make a dif­ference. You can engage in content that goes far beyond the normal school sub­jects and do your part to help shape the edu­cation of the future. And you are part of our team, where we support and value each other and want to grow ourselves.

It is important for us that you really enjoy working with us, and we want you to be fully com­mitted. To make this pos­sible for you, the lila.school offers a very fair salary and working hours that also allow for a life outside of school.

We want you to be enthu­si­astic about a variety of topics as a learning guide, including those that are outside of the school cur­riculum. However, since we also have to fulfill the cur­riculum (and want to hire as few addi­tional input lesson leaders as pos­sible for this), it would be great if our team of learning guides covered as many of the school sub­jects up to the Matura exam as pos­sible. Cur­rently, we are still missing the sub­jects German, history, art, music and handcrafts.

Please feel free to contact us for more info.

Course tutor

At lila.school, everyone can offer courses. As a course tutor you are not employed by us, but work on a fee basis and can decide for yourself how you want to design and organize your courses. Of course, learning guides can also work as course tutors.

More info about the course system

We would like to see as broad and exciting a range of courses as pos­sible as early as the start of school in the fall of 2021. The content of the courses can concern classic school sub­jects as well as go far beyond them. Check out the current list of course content to see what others want to offer. Contact us if you would like to offer some­thing as well, we welcome new ideas!

Current tasks

If you would like to join us, we would of course be happy to have your support even before the start. You could help us with that at the moment:

  • Design, film and edit explainer and intro­duction videos
  • Develop a pro­totype of the digital learning platform
    (Software developers)
  • Collect and structure con­tents of the topic network
    (future course tutors or other experts)